
Wear Mask

How To Wear a Mask:-

Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people. The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks are essential to make them as effective as possible.

Taking Off your mask while you eat or drink

If you are taking off your mask to eat or drink outside of your home, you can place it somewhere safe to keep it clean, such as your pocket, purse, or paper bag. After eating, put the mask back on with the same side facing out. Be sure to wash or sanitize your hands again after taking off your mask and after putting your mask back on.

When to throw away or change your mask

  1. Disposable masks should be thrown away after they’re worn once.
  2. If you use respirators, check the manufacturer’s instructions to learn how long they can be worn before they should be thrown away
  3. Disposable masks and respirators that become wet or dirty should be thrown away in the trash right away. Do not continue to wear a wet or dirty mask. Replace it with a dry, clean mask.

What type of masks works for COVID-19?

Generally speaking, some form of face-covering is likely better than none at all. However, there are certain masks that are much more effective against COVID-19, including: